Adult Hockey

The Pasadena Ice Skating Center offers a hockey-specific skating lessons for participants of all ages and ability levels as part of our Learn to Skate program. Levels offered range from beginner to advanced.

Beginner Skating
Learn beginning skating skills and hockey basics. Full gear is not required, but helmets are recommended.
Hockey Beginner
(Prerequisite Beginner Skating)
Focus on forward crossovers (Left and Right), Power turns (Left and Right), Backward skating, Hockey stop (Left and Right).
Full gear is required for this class.
Skating Fundamentals
(Prerequisite Hockey Beginner)
Focus on skills and drills to improve skating skills while increasing speed, agility and confidence on the ice.
Full gear is required for this class.
Puck Handling/Shooting
(Prerequisite Hockey Beginner)
Focus on skills and drills to improve puck handling and shooting skills while increasing speed, agility and confidence on the ice.
Full gear is required for this class.

The Pasadena Ice Skating Center’s league has four division levels for first-time to advance players. Each division plays a 20-week season starting in the spring and fall. All participants must be 18 years and older.

Newcomers who want to join a team can attend a draft skate session prior to the start of each new season. The Pasadena Ice Skating Center’s hockey director and team captains are on hand during these sessions to evaluate skills and help with correct division placement.

As schedule allows, various clinics and workshops are available for adult hockey players.